Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How to Monitor Your Web Hosting Server Performance

Your web hosting server's performance can influence your website performance. For instance, if the server is not online, your website will not be accessible to your site visitors. If you run a business based on your website, an unhappy visitor means an unhappy customer of your business.

In addition, search engines don't like websites on unstable servers too. If your web host server is down, your site cannot be crawled by search engine bots which may result in poor performance of your website in SERP. And your site gets less search engine exposure and your business will lose customers. Also see tips for search engine optimization.

So you should be very careful when choosing web hosting services. Some web hosting companies may promise 100% uptime. But the truth is that this is quite unlikely. Why? Because errors are just a fact of life. When running a web hosting server, errors can arise from human, software or hardware sources. That is why when selecting web hosting services, you should not rely on their promises. To get better results, you need to spend some time and do your own research. You can discuss your needs with experienced people on online tech forums. When reading other people's reviews online, pay more attention to complaints and negative reviews. After some reading and thinking, you can make your own judgment and arrive at your own decision. You need other people's opinions to choose the best web hosting service, but you should balance their opinions with your own judgment.

After setting up your blog or website on a hosting server, you can monitor your website’s response time and your server’s performance. For instance, pingdom.com is one of many companies which provide server monitoring services online. They provide paid services but they also offer a 30 day free trial period. If you need, you can try it to see whether it is useful. Of course, there may other sites providing similar services. Run a quick search online and do a comparison before making your final purchasing decision.

If you think that your server performance is good, you can stick with the current web hosting company. Otherwise, you can transfer your website to other web hosting sites. Remember web server monitoring is essential for building a successful website.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Check Multiple Website’s Page Rank at the Same Time |Free Bulk Pagerank Checker Online

Google pagerank is an important factor to estimate a website’s performance in Google search engine. So many people pay a lot of attention to this factor. When you just get to know a website, you don’t know how important the site is. But what you want to do is to check its Google pagerank, particularly when you want to get backlinks from the site. It is easy to check a single website’s pagerank, but it may not be easy to check a long list of websites’. Is there any why to check several websites’ pagerank at the same time? The answer is yes. What you need to do is to find a bulk pagerank check like the one on http://checkbulkpagerank.com/.

How to check bulk pagerank online for free
1. Go to the website http://checkbulkpagerank.com/.
2. Copy and paste your list of links into the box provided.
3. Click on the start button.
4. Wait for a while and let the program does its job. How long it will take to finish your checking depends on how long you list is.
5. After several minutes, you will see the results with the URLs listed on the left side and corresponding Google pagerank listed on the right side. You also get the option to save the report into a CSV file.

This is a quite handy search engine optimization (SEO) tool. If you want to know whether you like this free online bulk pagerank checker, you should give it a try.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Benefits of Having High Quality Content on Your Blog

You may have heard that many blogging experts said: “You need to write killer articles”. You may ask: Why do I need high quality content on my blog? And what are the benefits of having them? Here is my answer.

Benefits of Having High Quality Content on Your Blog:

1. To gain loyal readers. Simply put, your readers will like it. They will spend more time on your blog. They may subscribe to your blog's RSS feed. They may sign up for your opt-in list. They may become a loyal reader of your blog, and return to your blog from time to time to read more posts.

2. To gain social media exposures. If they like your work, they may share it with their friends on social networking site, which may bring in more visitors to your blog. In the meantime, you may get more backlinks to your blog after their promotion. It is a one of link building strategies commonly seen nowadays.

3. To get more organic traffic from search engines. If your readers like your blog, search engines may like your blog as well. Even though we don’t know exactly how search engines’ algorithms work, one thing is for sure that they are designed to serve web surfers better. Your blog readers are also customers of these search engines.

4. To generate more web content. Most people consider articles are web content, but actually audio clips and video clips can also be content for your blog. You can always convert your article into other types of content such as podcasts, video clips, free reports and so on.

5. To build your blog brand. Most importantly, when writing a blog, you are building a brand. The brand is you. The more your readers like your blog post, the more they will like you and trust you. So when you recommend products or services, they will trust your opinion and you will have a higher conversion rate. That is the basis for online affiliate marketing and email marketing.

In short, creating high quality content for your blog has many benefits, especially in the long run.

Monday, March 19, 2012

How to Post to Your Wordpress Blog from an iphone or an ipad

Do you own an iphone or ipad? Do you blog using Wordpress platform? If you do, you may be glad to know that you can manage your Wordpress blog from your iphone or http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifipad. But before enjoying blogging on your iphone or ipad, you need to download and install an application named Wordpress for iOS on your device. This application is available for free downloading from the Apple’s APP store. For your information, iOS is the operating system used on both iphones and ipads.

With the Wordpress for iOS installed, you can blog right from your iphone or ipad. Imagine how convenient it will be if you can post new articles and/or photos to your blog from your iphone. What makes it more impressive is that this application allows you to edit exiting posts as well.

To learn more information about the feature of this application and how to post to your Wordpress blog from an iphone or an ipad, visit the Wordpress for iOS official website at http://ios.wordpress.org/.

Creating Custom Wordpress Themes

One way to personalize your Wordpress blog is to change its theme. There are many ways to get the theme for your blog. First, you can download and install exiting free Wordpress themes. Second, you can spend some money to purchase a premium theme. Last, you can create your own Wordpress themes.

There are many benefits to have your own theme. For instance, you can easily customize it according to your needs by changing PHP, HTML/XHTML and CSS.
If you are interested in creating custom Wordpress themes, you may find the following resources useful.

Wordpress Theme Development

Wordpress Templates

Make your Own WordPress Theme
This tutorial is quite nice, and it includes 7 parts. Even though it is quite basic, I found it useful. The author assumes that you have enough knowledge in HTML, CSS and PHP though.

Anatomy of a Wordpress theme
In the old article, Ryan explained what files are included in the theme and their functions. It is very basic and it is very easy to understand.

Free WordPress Themes

If you host your own WordPress blog and want to personalize its appearance, you may need a WordPress theme. Then you may ask “Where can I download free WordPress Themes?” If this is the question that you ask, you are not alone. Many new bloggers may not have a clue either.
The followings are two websites where you can find tons of free WordPress themes.

One of them is the official theme directory at Wordpress.org, the website where you download the software. Here is the URL: http://wordpress.org/

The other is a website called “Best Wordpress Themes” and its link is http://www.bestwpthemes.com/.

On this site, both free and premium (paid) themes are available. All themes are clearly categorized according to their formats and purposes. For example, you can find 1-column, 2-column or 3-column themes. If you want to run an online magazine website, you may want to take a look in the list of best magazine-style themes.